Proposed Bylaw Changes for September 2021 Members’ Meeting

As mentioned in the June 10, 2021 Members Meeting, The draft bylaws are being posted on the web site for the members to have a look. The plan is to vote on the proposed bylaws at the September 2021 members’ meeting.

I will post links to our current bylaws and to the CUPE National Constitution as there are specific references to the CUPE national Constitution.

If you have any questions and comments, please reach out to me in the Local’s office.

Some notes to be aware of as you read the proposed changes to the Bylaws:

  • It is in a side by side format, current bylaws on the left, proposed bylaws on the right. Tried to match old language with new language
  • Last updated 2002, should really be reviewed every 1 or 2 years
  • Updated CUPE National bylaws and Article referrals that have to be in all local bylaws. All local bylaws are subservient to the CUPE National bylaws
  • No Dues increase
  • The bylaws have a refreshed look and look more like a Collective Agreement, the bylaws define the members’ rights and responsibilities, it is important that everything is spelled out and not open to interpretation, just like the collective agreement.
  • Updated the rep work areas, to more closely match TBC work areas.
  • Added a 2nd VP position. Original thought was to have a Hospitality and Arts & Admin VP’s. This would be burdensome to the local for elections. I Believe that it will natural evolve into that state, while giving the Local the expertise/experience it needs

New Articles:

  • Privacy coordinator for PIPA (legislation requirement)
  • Child care & dependent care
  • complaints and trails
  • rules of order
  • amendments
  • printing of Bylaws
  • appendixes

Thank You

Lyle Fish
Vice-President CUPE Local 4318
