Labour Day Letter from CUPE Alberta

September 3, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we get ready to enjoy the last long weekend of the summer, it’s important to reflect on why we have Monday off. Labour Day is an opportunity to celebrate the gains and achievements made on behalf of workers over the years.

In Alberta, CUPE members have diligently stood together to improve conditions for working Albertans. Today we have higher wages and better benefits, as well as vastly safer and healthier workplaces. It is every worker’s right to a safe and healthy workplace.

But we can never take these things for granted. Today, our fair and safe working conditions are in jeopardy as Jason Kenney and the UCP threaten to legislate away the rights of workers, roll back wages, privatize public services and fundamentally redefine how governments serve their people.

We need to stand together against these anti-labour policies. When CUPE raises its collective voice to stand up for workers’ rights and a better life for everyone, it resonates in workplaces and communities across Alberta and Canada. We are the country’s largest labour union, and we are committed to our fight for a fairer and more equal world.

Together we can stand up to this government and its privatization agenda.

Thank you to all CUPE activists, leaders, and staff across Alberta, who fight tirelessly to make our jobs and our communities better. You show up and make a difference.

On behalf of CUPE Alberta, we wish you a very safe and happy Labour Day.

In solidarity,

Rory Gill

President, CUPE AB